Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

The first thing you need to do is set up DNS records.

This is so anyone browsing from the internet can find your site using it’s domain name. Preferably you are running your own name server on ISPConfig3. If that is the case you need to go to your domain registrar’s site and change the name servers from whatever was set up as default to yours. (If you are not running your own name server you can create the DNS records with your registrar.)
Yours are likely to be ns1.youdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com.

Next you need to add the zone records in ISPConfig3. I would recommend you use the ‘wizard’ to assist you with this if you’re not experienced. That will set you up web and mail records. There is an article waiting to be developed here giving you more detail, but in essence the fields you need to complete after pressing the wizard button should be similar to this:
Client: If you have made a client for this domain select it here
Domain: This is the domain that you are about to register  -    myfirstsite.com
IP Address: This is IP address that your server is publicly visible from, eg   (it is not  That is your internal lan address)
NS1: This is the first name server address that you set up eg ns1.yourserverdomain.com
NS2: This is the second name server address that you set up eg ns2.yourserverdomain.com
Email: pick an email you own
Click the button ‘Create DNS Record’.

Now when anyone looks up ‘myfirstsite.com’ or email to you that domain, it will send the request to your server.

Now you need to add ‘myfirstsite.com’

This will instruct IPSConfig3 to make the relevant changes to Apache (that’s the web server) and install the default site files.
Click on the tab marked ‘Sites’.
In the main body of the page click ‘+Add new website’

If it’s for a client, select the client in the drop down field.
Now complete the following fields:
Domain: myfirstsite.com        – just type the domain name, don’t include www
You can leave most of the fields blank for a basic static site.
In auto subdomain, I usually select *.  This creates the directive  so a browser could type anything prior to the domain name and get to your site, eg, www.myfirstsite.com. anyprefix.myfirstsite.com or even just myfirstsite.com.
Click ‘save’.

That should be it. Now when browsing to myfirstsite.com you should get a default index page displayed.
It will look like this

That’s it. See Further guides for setting up FTP settings to upload some content.

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Mbox vs Maildir: Mail Storage Formats

The Unix world has two ways of storing mail messages, the traditional mbox format and the newer maildir format. Postfix and Dovecot supports the two mail storage format so you can use any format, but I highly recommend you use the maildir format.
The Mbox Format

This is the traditional way of storing mail messages in the Unix world. In this format, a regular text file which serves as the mail user’s mailbox file is created.
Mbox storage format

Mbox storage format
Fig. 1: Mbox storage format
How Mbox works
Receiving and storing a mail

    Lock the mailbox.
    Append the header (usually “From [sender's email address] [date and time received]“) and the mail into the mailbox file.
    Unlock the mailbox.

Retrieving a mail

    Lock the mailbox.
    Locate and read the mail.
    Update the mail status flag.
    Unlock the mailbox.

Deleting a mail

    Lock the mailbox.
    Move the contents of the mailbox, beginning from the position right after the mail to be deleted until the end of the mailbox, into the position of the mail to be deleted.
    Reduce the size of the mailbox file by the size of the deleted mail.
    Unlock the mailbox.

Searching a mail

    Lock the mailbox.
    Search the mailbox.
    Unlock the mailbox.


    Format is universally supported.
    Appending a new mail into the mailbox file is fast.
    Searching text inside a single mailbox file is fast.


    Has file locking problems.
    Has problems when used with network file systems.
    Format is prone to corruption.

The Maildir Format

This is a new way of storing mail messages. In this format, a directory usually named Maildir is created for each mail user. Under this directory are three more directories named new, cur and tmp.
Maildir storage format
Maildir storage format
Fig. 2: Maildir storage format
How Maildir works
Receiving and storing a mail

    Create a unique file in the tmp directory.
    Write the mail into the newly created file.
    Move the completely written mail into the new directory.

Retrieving a mail

    Locate and read the mail.
    Move the mail from new into the cur directory and append the mail status flag into the filename.

Deleting a mail

    Delete the file containing the mail.

Searching a mail

    Search each and every mail file.


    Locating, retrieving and deleting a specific mail is fast.
    Minimal to no file locking needed.
    Can be used on network file system.
    Immune to mailbox corruption (assuming the hardware will not fail).


    Some filesystems may not efficiently handle a large number of small files.
    Searching text, which requires all mail files to be opened is slow.

- See more at: http://www.linuxmail.info/mbox-maildir-mail-storage-formats/#sthash.RiiHuAEN.dpuf

Menyadap chating Yahoo Messenger

Sebagai seorang network administrator harus mengerti semua mengenai trafik yang melintasi jaringan baik LAN maupun internet. Bukan nya mengajari hal – hal negatif, tetapi hanya untuk pengetahuan saja. Kita dapat menyadap percakapan chating yahoo messenger, tentu harus dilakukan di internet gateway atau router internet berbasis linux. untuk mudahnya kita pakai ubuntu.

apt-get  install ngrep
ngrep ‘ ‘ port 5050 -d eth1
hasil percakapan yang disadap:
T -> [AP]
YMSG…………qA.B4..budi_santosa24..5..axxx_zzd..14..invis atau offline nih..15..1339139996..63..;0..64..0..97..1..206..2..252../7AuzhUKNkeHQsE0e3/v5id6NzWq1w==

kita juga bisa melihat saat user mengetikan keyboard:
T -> [AP]
YMSG…..:.K….qA.B4..budi_santosa24..5..axxx_zzd..13..0..14.. ..49..TYPING…

Perintah untuk menyimpan hasil di file
ngrep ‘ ‘ port 5050 -d eth1 -O filechating

Untuk membaca hasilnya

ngrep -I filechating

*> http://kurusetra.web.id/2012/06/15/menyadap-chating-yahoo-messenger/

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

  1. At a command prompt, type Nslookup, and then press ENTER.
  2. Type server <IP address>, where IP address is the IP address of your external DNS server.
  3. Type set q=MX, and then press ENTER.
  4. Type <domain name>, where domain name is the name of an external mail domain, and then press ENTER. The mail exchanger (MX) resource record for the domain that you entered should be displayed. If the MX record is not displayed, DNS is not configured to resolve external domain names.
The following example shows how the DNS server for example.com resolves the IP address of the external domain contoso.com:
C:\> nslookup
Default Server: pdc.corp.example.com
> server
Default Server: dns1.example.com
> set q=mx
> contoso.com.
Server: dns1.example.com
contoso.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail1.contoso.com
contoso.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail2.contoso.com
contoso.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail3.contoso.com
mail1.contoso.com internet address =
mail2.contoso.com internet address =
mail3.contoso.com internet address =

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Install ZpanelX Web Hosting Control Panel on Ubuntu Server 12.04

---> About Zpanel

Zpanel is free and open source web hosting control panel designed to work on platform Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and Windows OS based servers or computers. It easy to use and manage web hosting server for SOHO (Small Office Home Office) or professional servers.

ZpanelX support for unlimited resellers and  flawlessly integrates with MySQL Server, Apache2, hMailServer (on Microsoft Windows), Posfix (on Linux Distribution) and Filezilla (on Microsoft Windows) or ProFTPd (on Linux Distribution). For more detail about Zpanelx feature  you can check out @Zpanel_Feature_Page

---> Step-by-Step to Install ZpanelX 10.0.0 on Ubuntu Server 12.04

This guide will show Step-by-step to install Zpanelx 10 web hosting control panel  in ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server edition. There are two methods  to installing Zpanelx: Methods 1). Install automatically using script auto-installer . Methods 2) Install manually, direct download source Zpanelx then install and config manually. It is recommended that you only install ZPanelx 10 on a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server. On this case my IP Address : and Hostname : preciseserver

---> Method 1 : Install automatically using script auto-installer

<-> Step 1. Login to your server  using ssh and make sure you have all the latest security updates for Ubuntu Server 12.04 by running following commands

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

<-> Step 2. Download script Zpanelx10 auto-installer for Ubuntu 12.04. This script work on Ubuntu server 12.04 x64 and Ubuntu server 12.04 x86.

wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50880014/ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.v1.02.zip

<-> Step 3. Install package tofrodos  using apt-get command.

sudo apt-get install tofrodos

Tofrodos comprises one program, “fromdos” alias “todos”, which converts text files to and from these formats. Use “fromdos” to convert DOS text files to the Unix format, and “todos” to convert Unix text files to the DOS format.

<-> Step 4. Unzip ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.v1.02.zip then convert these script from DOS text files to the Unix format using fromdos command.

unzip ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.v1.02.zip

sudo fromdos ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.sh

<-> Step 5. Change the permission of the install script so it can be executed.

chmod +x ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.sh

Run the installation script to disable AppArmor daemon

sudo ./ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.sh

Reboot your computer

sudo init 6

<-> Step 6. After reboot, run again  installation script.

sudo ./ZPX_ubuntu_12-04_auto_installer.sh

This script ask for all of the required information (such as IP address, Hostname/domain and Mysql password)

= Starting Auto Installer for ZPX on Ubuntu 12.04 =
= By Xengulai (xengulai@xengulai.com) =
Variable collection:
Enter Server Public IP Address:
Enter server name:
(this should be the reverse lookup of
(ex. zeus.zpanelcp.com): preciseserver
Enter FQDN for ZPX (ex. panel.zpanelcp.com): preciseserver
Enter MySQL root password: reloaded
Updating Aptitude Repos: Done.
Creating initial folder structure: Done.
Downloading / Extracting ZPX From SF to Temp Directory at /opt/zpanel: Done.
Copying ZpanelX files to /etc/zpanel: Done.
Registering 'zppy' client: Done.
Installing main packages: Done.
Setting Zpanel MySQL access: Done.
Importing Zpanel Core Database: Done.
Setting up Apache configuration to work with ZPX: Done.
Setting up Network info for ZPX and Compiling Default VHOST: Done.
Configuring Postfix and Dovecot: Done.
Configuring Roundcube: Done.
Installing and Configuring ProFTPD: Done.
Installing and Configuring BIND: Done.
Compiling zsudo: Done.
Setting cron for daemon.php: Done.
Registering ZPPY Client: Done.
Removing temp files: Done.
Restarting all necessary services:
-- Apache2 Web Server Restarted Successfully
-- Postfix Server Restarted Successfully
-- Dovecot Server Restarted Successfully
-- ProFTPD Server Restarted Successfully
-- MySQL Server Restarted Successfully
-- Bind9 Server Restarted Successfully
Installing ballen/rustus zppy repo and modules:
-- gatekeeper: installed
-- system_logviewer: installed
-- kfm: installed
-- ftp_browser: installed
-- visitor_stats: installed
= Installation and Configuration of ZPX on Ubuntu 12.04 is Complete =
= Install Log can be found at /home/precise/zpx_install.log
= Please REBOOT the server and open: =
= http://preciseserver/zpanel
= or =
= =
= USER: zadmin =
= PASS: password (Change on 1st login!) =
= This script is not written by official ZPX Support =
= Please do not ask them for official support on this =
= By Xengulai (xengulai@xengulai.com) =

<-> Step 7. Download and Install post-installation patches/sql script

wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50880014/post-install_patches.zip

unzip post-install_patches.zip

mysql -u root -p YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD < /home/precise/post-install_patches.sql

sudo cp -R /home/precise/panel/* /etc/zpanel/panel/*


---> Methods 2: Install Zpanelx manually

<-> Step 1. Same as the first step in Method 1, Make sure you have all the latest security updates for Ubuntu Server 12.04 by running following commands

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

<-> Step 2. Disable and remove ApparMor daemon, run following commands

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop

sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove

sudo apt-get remove apparmor

sudo shutdown -r now

<->Step 3. Download Zpanelx 10 for linux. Download it using wget command

wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50880014/zpanelx-master.tar.gz

<-> Step 4. Extract zpanelx-master.tar.gz anywhere and run file prepare.sh

sudo tar -zxvf zpanelx-master.tar.gz

cd zpanel-master/etc/build

sudo chmod +x prepare.sh

<-> Step 5. Now copy all file and folder in the directory zpanel-master into /etc/zpanel/panel

sudo cp -R ../../* /etc/zpanel/panel/

<->Step 6. Copy configuration file for ubuntu server 12.04 into directory /etc/zpanel/configs

sudo cp -R /etc/zpanel/panel/etc/build/config_packs/ubuntu_12_04/* /etc/zpanel/configs/

<-> Step 7. Set permisson phpmyadmin configuration file (config.ic.php)

chmod 644 /etc/zpanel/panel/etc/apps/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php

<-> Step 8. Install the base packages Apache,MySQL and PHP5

sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-bw php5-common php5-suhosin php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-curl php-pear php5-imap php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl libdb4.8 zip webalizer

<-> Step 9. Set up zpanelx database config and import zpanel database

sudo nano /etc/zpanel/panel/cnf/db.php

$host = "localhost";
$dbname = "zpanel_core";
$user = "root";

mysql -u root -p YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD < /etc/zpanel/configs/zpanel_core.sql

<-> Step 10. Configure Apache2 :

To add the ZPanel generated Apache2 config, we need to add the following line:-

edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

comment out:

#Include sites-enabled/

add at bottom:

Include /etc/zpanel/configs/apache/httpd.conf

Set ZPanel Network info and compile the default vhost.conf by running following commands

sudo /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/setso –set zpanel_domain CONTROLPANEL.YOURDOMAIN.COM

sudo /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/setso --set zpanel_domain preciseserver

sudo /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/setso –set server_ip YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS

sudo /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/setso --set server_ip

sudo php /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/daemon.php

<-> Step 11. Install and configure postfix-dovecot

sudo apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql dovecot-mysql dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dovecot-common libsasl2-modules-sql libsasl2-modules

sudo mkdir -p /var/zpanel/vmail

sudo chmod -R 777 /var/zpanel/vmail

sudo chmod -R g+s /var/zpanel/vmail

sudo groupadd -g 5000 vmail

sudo useradd -m -g vmail -u 5000 -d /var/zpanel/vmail -s /bin/bash vmail

sudo chown -R vmail.vmail /var/zpanel/vmail

mysql -u root -p YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD < /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/zpanel_postfix.sql

# Config Postfix Master.cf

echo "# Dovecot LDA" >> /etc/postfix/master.cf

echo "dovecot unix - n n - - pipe" >> /etc/postfix/master.cf

echo ' flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient}' >> /etc/postfix/master.cf

Edit the following file and add mysql root and password, you can use nano editor

    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/dovecot-sql.conf
    sudo nano/etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_relay_domains_maps.cf
    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf
    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_virtual_domains_maps.cf
    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_virtual_mailbox_limit_maps.cf
    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_virtual_mailbox_maps.cf
    sudo nano /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/mysql_virtual_transport.cf

sudo mv /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.old

sudo ln /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf

sudo mv /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.old

sudo ln -s /etc/zpanel/configs/dovecot2/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

Edit file /etc/zpanel/configs/postfix/conf/main.cf

myhostname = YOUR_DOMAIN
mydomain   = YOUR_DOMAIN

Reboot your computer

<-> Step 12. Configure roundcube

mysql -u root -p YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD < /etc/zpanel/configs/roundcube/zpanel_roundcube.sql

edit file /etc/zpanel/panel/etc/apps/webmail/config/db.inc.php

nano /etc/zpanel/panel/etc/apps/webmail/config/db.inc.php

Edit this line

$rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://root:YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD@localhost/zpanel_roundcube';

<-> Step 13. Install and configure FTP server ProFTPD

sudo apt-get install proftpd-mod-mysql (When asked what mode, choose 'stand-alone')

mysql -uroot -pYOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD < /etc/zpanel/configs/proftpd/zpanel_proftpd.sql

sudo groupadd -g 2001 ftpgroup

sudo useradd -u 2001 -s /bin/false -d /bin/null -c "proftpd user" -g ftpgroup ftpuser

Edit /etc/zpanel/configs/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf, replace with your credentials:

You can use your MySQL root account if you wish or create a new restricted user account as you wish!

SQLConnectInfo zpanel_proftpd@localhost root your_root_password

sudo mv /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf.backup

sudo touch /etc/proftpd.conf

sudo echo "include /etc/zpanel/configs/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf" >> /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

sudo touch /var/zpanel/logs/proftpd

sudo chmod -R 644 /var/zpanel/logs/proftpd

<-> Step 14. Install and Configure BIND DNS server

sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils

sudo mkdir /var/zpanel/logs/bind

sudo touch /var/zpanel/logs/bind/bind.log

sudo chmod -R 777 /var/zpanel/logs/bind/bind.log

sudo echo "include \"/etc/zpanel/configs/bind/etc/log.conf\";" >> /etc/bind/named.conf

sudo echo "include \"/etc/zpanel/configs/bind/etc/named.conf\";" >> /etc/bind/named.conf

sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/named-checkconf /usr/bin/named-checkconf

sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/named-checkzone /usr/bin/named-checkzone

sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/named-compilezone /usr/bin/named-compilezone

<-> Step 15. Configure Zpanel Zsudo

Must be owned by root with 4777 permissions, or zsudo will not work!

sudo cc -o /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/zsudo /etc/zpanel/configs/bin/zsudo.c

sudo chown root /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/zsudo

sudo chmod +s /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/zsudo

<-> Step 16. Configure the CRON job for the zdaemon

sudo touch /etc/cron.d/zdaemon

sudo echo "*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/php -q /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/daemon.php >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/cron.d/zdaemon

sudo chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/zdaemon

<-> Step 17. Registering the zppy client

sudo ln -s /etc/zpanel/panel/bin/zppy /usr/bin/zppy

<-> Step 18. Reboot your computer, if your already turn on. access zpanel from computer on your network

reff :


Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Adding An Email Domain and Mailbox

Adding An Email Domain and Mailbox

Having set up the DNS records with the DNS wizard, all mails for your domain are now being sent to your ISPConfig3 server, but without having set up an email domain and mailbox it simply doesn’t know what to do with them. The chances are it’s bouncing mails straight back to the sender saying ‘not known here!’.
What you now need to do is add the domain to the server. Log in to your ISPConfig3 interface and click on the ‘Email’ tab.

Now you need to create a mailbox so that when mail comes into your domain, your server knows where to put it. On the same ‘Email’ tab click ‘Email Mailbox’.

In the main body of the screen now click ‘+Add new Mailbox’

Realname will mask your email address when sending email; it’s optional.
Under ‘ailias’ type the name you want the mailbox to be called and then select the domain to the right of it that it belongs to. In the example it is set as bigprize@prizepalace.co.uk.
In the password field, choose a password you want to use for that mailbox. The greater the combination of letters, characters and numbers combined with overall length makes a strong password.
The quota field dictates the size of this mailbox. If it is set to 0 it will not allow incoming mail. Enter in here the size of this mailbox limit in megabytes. The value of -1 allows an infinite mailbox size, beware though that if this mailbox is for someone else it could fill your server!
The spamfilter refers to profiles set up to filter mail based on templates. You can create and alter these templates in another section.
You must tick ‘Enable Receiving’ to receive incoming mail.
You can disable IMAP or POP3 mail services if you don’t want the user to use either of these services,  unless you have storage concerns leave these unticked.
Click ‘Save’ which is at the bottom of the screen.

Your email account is now ready to send and receive email. Use it with your favourite mail client or webmail. If you followed the ‘Perfect Server Guide’ you will have Squirrel Mail installed that will work with your new mailbox, use your email address as a username and the password above.

* http://docs.ispconfig.org/my-first-email/

RoundCube Webmail With ISPConfig 3

Using RoundCube Webmail With ISPConfig 3 On Debian Wheezy (Apache2)


Last edited 06/06/2013
This guide explains how to install the RoundCube webmail application on a Debian Wheezy server running ISPConfig and Apache2, and how to enable the ISPConfig 3 plugins for RoundCube so that users can perform actions like changing their email passwords from within RoundCube. Roundcube webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface; it comes with functions like MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

1 Preliminary Note

This tutorial assumes you are using Apache2 as the web server on your ISPConfig 3 server; this tutorial will not work for nginx. I'm going to install RoundCube from the Debian Wheezy repositories - it is a reasonably recent version ( vs 0.9.1 (current stable version)).
RoundCube will be configured in such a way that it can be accessed from each vhost over the alias /webmail (e.g. http://www.example.com/webmail).
If you are already using another webmail application like SquirrelMail, make sure you disable it completely or at least the alias /webmail. If you have installed SquirrelMail as a Debian package, you can find the alias in /etc/apache2/conf.d/squirrelmail.conf; either comment out the alias to just disable the /webmail alias or comment out the whole file to disable SquirrelMail completely. Don't forget to restart Apache afterwards.

2 Creating A Remote User In ISPConfig

The ISPConfig 3 plugins for RoundCube work through ISPConfig's remote API. To use this API, we need a remote user. To create such a user, go to System > User Management > Remote Users and click on the Add new user button:

Provide a username and password for the user...

... and enable the following functions:
  • Server functions
  • Client functions
  • Mail user functions
  • Mail alias functions
  • Mail spamfilter user functions
  • Mail spamfilter policy functions
  • Mail fetchmail functions
  • Mail spamfilter whitelist functions
  • Mail spamfilter blacklist functions
  • Mail user filter functions
Then click on Save.

3 Installing RoundCube

We can install RoundCube as follows:
apt-get install roundcube roundcube-plugins roundcube-plugins-extra
You will see the following questions:
Configure database for roundcube with dbconfig-common? <-- Yes
Database type to be used by roundcube: <-- mysql
Password of the database's administrative user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword (the password of the MySQL root user)
MySQL application password for roundcube: <-- roundcubesqlpassword
Password confirmation: <-- roundcubesqlpassword
This will create a MySQL database called roundcube with the MySQL user roundcube and the password roundcubesqlpassword.
Next open /etc/apache2/conf.d/roundcube...
vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/roundcube
... and add the line Alias /webmail /var/lib/roundcube. In addition to that, add the PHP configuration to the <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/> section (I've highlighted the changes):
# Those aliases do not work properly with several hosts on your apache server
# Uncomment them to use it or adapt them to your configuration
Alias /roundcube/program/js/tiny_mce/ /usr/share/tinymce/www/
Alias /roundcube /var/lib/roundcube
Alias /webmail /var/lib/roundcube

# Access to tinymce files
<Directory "/usr/share/tinymce/www/">
      Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all

<Directory /var/lib/roundcube/>
  Options +FollowSymLinks
  DirectoryIndex index.php

  <IfModule mod_php5.c>
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
    php_flag track_vars On
    php_flag register_globals Off
    php_value include_path .:/usr/share/php

  # This is needed to parse /var/lib/roundcube/.htaccess. See its
  # content before setting AllowOverride to None.
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all

# Protecting basic directories:
<Directory /var/lib/roundcube/config>
        Options -FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None

<Directory /var/lib/roundcube/temp>
        Options -FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all

<Directory /var/lib/roundcube/logs>
        Options -FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all
Restart Apache afterwards:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

4 Configuring RoundCube

Open /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php...
vi /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php
... and set $rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'localhost'; (or the hostname or IP address of your mail server if it is on a remote machine):
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'localhost';
Otherwise RoundCube will ask for a hostname before each login which might overstrain your users - we want to make usage as easy as possible.
Next install the ISPConfig 3 plugins for RoundCube:
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/w2c/ispconfig3_roundcube.git
cd /tmp/ispconfig3_roundcube/
mv ispconfig3_* /var/lib/roundcube/plugins
cd /var/lib/roundcube/plugins
mv ispconfig3_account/config/config.inc.php.dist ispconfig3_account/config/config.inc.php
Open ispconfig3_account/config/config.inc.php...
vi ispconfig3_account/config/config.inc.php
... and fill in the login details of your ISPConfig remote user and the URL of the remote API - my ISPConfig installation runs on, so the URL of the remote API is
$rcmail_config['identity_limit'] = false;
$rcmail_config['remote_soap_user'] = 'roundcube';
$rcmail_config['remote_soap_pass'] = 'Sw0wlytlRt3MY';
$rcmail_config['soap_url'] = '';
Finally open /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php again...
vi /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php
... and enable the jquerui plugin plus the ISPConfig 3 plugins...
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
//$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array();
$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array("jqueryui", "ispconfig3_account", "ispconfig3_autoreply", "ispconfig3_pass", "ispconfig3_spam", "ispconfig3_fetchmail", "ispconfig3_filter");
... and change the skin from default to classic (otherwise the ISPConfig 3 plugins will not work):
// skin name: folder from skins/
$rcmail_config['skin'] = 'classic';
That's it; now you can access RoundCube under the alias /webmail (e.g. www.example.com/webmail). Log in with the email address and password of an email account created through ISPConfig:

This is how RoundCube looks:

Under Settings > Account you can use the ISPconfig 3 plugins for RoundCube to modify your settings, for example...

... you can set a new password for your email account without using ISPConfig:

5 Links

Senin, 10 Maret 2014

The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

-----> Get root Privileges

After the reboot you can login with your previously created username (e.g. administrator). Because we must run all the steps from this tutorial with root privileges, we can either prepend all commands in this tutorial with the string sudo, or we become root right now by typing

$ sudo su

(You can as well enable the root login by running)

-----> Install The SSH Server (Optional)

If you did not install the OpenSSH server during the system installation, you can do it now:

$ apt-get install ssh openssh-server

From now on you can use an SSH client such as PuTTY and connect from your workstation to your Ubuntu 12.04 server and follow the remaining steps from this tutorial.

-----> Install vim-nox (Optional)

I'll use vi as my text editor in this tutorial. The default vi program has some strange behaviour on Ubuntu and Debian; to fix this, we install vim-nox:

apt-get install vim-nox

(You don't have to do this if you use a different text editor such as joe or nano.)

-----> Configure The Network

Because the Ubuntu installer has configured our system to get its network settings via DHCP, we have to change that now because a server should have a static IP address. Edit /etc/network/interfaces and adjust it to your needs (in this example setup I will use the IP address and the DNS servers and - starting with Ubuntu 12.04, you cannot edit /etc/resolv.conf directly anymore, but have to specify your nameservers in your network configuration - see

man resolvconf

for more details):

vi /etc/network/interfaces

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Then restart your network:

/etc/init.d/networking restart

Then edit /etc/hosts. Make it look like this:

vi /etc/hosts

--------------------------------------------------------------------       localhost.localdomain   localhost   server1.example.com     server1

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

Now run

echo server1.example.com > /etc/hostname
/etc/init.d/hostname restart

Afterwards, run

hostname -f

Both should show server1.example.com now.

-----> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list And Update Your Linux Installation

 Edit /etc/apt/sources.list. Comment out or remove the installation CD from the file and make sure that the universe and multiverse repositories are enabled. It should look like this:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list


# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ dists/precise/main/binary-i386/
# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/
# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ precise main restricted

#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ dists/precise/main/binary-i386/
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120424.1)]/ precise main restricted

# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted

## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
## security team.
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse

## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## 'partner' repository.
## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
# deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner
# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Ubuntu's
## 'extras' repository.
## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party
## developers who want to ship their latest software.
# deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main
# deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main

Then run

apt-get update

to update the apt package database and

apt-get upgrade

to install the latest updates (if there are any). If you see that a new kernel gets installed as part of the updates, you should reboot the system afterwards:


-----> Disable AppArmor

AppArmor is a security extension (similar to SELinux) that should provide extended security. In my opinion you don't need it to configure a secure system, and it usually causes more problems than advantages (think of it after you have done a week of trouble-shooting because some service wasn't working as expected, and then you find out that everything was ok, only AppArmor was causing the problem). Therefore I disable it (this is a must if you want to install ISPConfig later on).

We can disable it like this:

/etc/init.d/apparmor stop
update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
apt-get remove apparmor apparmor-utils

-----> Synchronize the System Clock

It is a good idea to synchronize the system clock with an NTP (network time protocol) server over the Internet. Simply run

apt-get install ntp ntpdate

and your system time will always be in sync.

-----> Install Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, rkhunter, binutils

We can install Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, rkhunter, and binutils with a single command:

apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server openssl getmail4 rkhunter binutils dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dovecot-mysql dovecot-sieve sudo

You will be asked the following questions:

New password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Repeat password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
General type of mail configuration: <-- Internet Site
System mail name: <-- server1.example.com

Next open the TLS/SSL and submission ports in Postfix:

vi /etc/postfix/master.cf

Uncomment the submission and smtps sections (leave -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING as we don't need it):

submission inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  -o syslog_name=postfix/submission
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
#  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING
smtps     inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  -o syslog_name=postfix/smtps
  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
#  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING
Restart Postfix afterwards:

/etc/init.d/postfix restart

We want MySQL to listen on all interfaces, not just localhost, therefore we edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and comment out the line bind-address =

vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
#bind-address           =

Then we restart MySQL:

/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Now check that networking is enabled. Run

netstat -tap | grep mysql

The output should look like this:

root@server1:~# netstat -tap | grep mysql
tcp        0      0 *:mysql                 *:*                     LISTEN      21298/mysqld

----->  Install Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, And Clamav

To install amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, and ClamAV, we run

apt-get install amavisd-new spamassassin clamav clamav-daemon zoo unzip bzip2 arj nomarch lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl clamav-docs daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl zip libnet-dns-perl

The ISPConfig 3 setup uses amavisd which loads the SpamAssassin filter library internally, so we can stop SpamAssassin to free up some RAM:

/etc/init.d/spamassassin stop
update-rc.d -f spamassassin remove

----->  Install Apache2, PHP5, phpMyAdmin, FCGI, suExec, Pear, And mcrypt

Apache2, PHP5, phpMyAdmin, FCGI, suExec, Pear, and mcrypt can be installed as follows:

apt-get install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-common php5-gd php5-mysql php5-imap phpmyadmin php5-cli php5-cgi libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec php-pear php-auth php5-curl php5-mcrypt mcrypt php5-imagick imagemagick libapache2-mod-suphp libruby libapache2-mod-ruby libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-perl2

You will see the following question:

Web server to reconfigure automatically: <-- apache2
Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common? <-- No

Then run the following command to enable the Apache modules suexec, rewrite, ssl, actions, and include (plus dav, dav_fs, and auth_digest if you want to use WebDAV):

a2enmod suexec rewrite ssl actions include

a2enmod dav_fs dav auth_digest

Restart Apache afterwards:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If you want to host Ruby files with the extension .rb on your web sites created through ISPConfig, you must comment out the line application/x-ruby rb in /etc/mime.types:

vi /etc/mime.types


#application/x-ruby                             rb

(This is needed only for .rb files; Ruby files with the extension .rbx work out of the box.)

Restart Apache afterwards:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

-----> Xcache

Xcache is a free and open PHP opcode cacher for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code. It's similar to other PHP opcode cachers, such as eAccelerator and APC. It is strongly recommended to have one of these installed to speed up your PHP page.

Xcache can be installed as follows:

apt-get install php5-xcache

Now restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

-----> PHP-FPM

Starting with the upcoming ISPConfig 3.0.5, there will be an additional PHP mode that you can select for usage with Apache: PHP-FPM. If you plan to use this PHP mode, it makes sense to configure your system for it now so that later on when you upgrade to ISPConfig 3.0.5, your system is prepared (the latest ISPConfig version at the time of this writing is ISPConfig

To use PHP-FPM with Apache, we need the mod_fastcgi Apache module (please don't mix this up with mod_fcgid - they are very similar, but you cannot use PHP-FPM with mod_fcgid). We can install PHP-FPM and mod_fastcgi as follows:

apt-get install libapache2-mod-fastcgi php5-fpm

Make sure you enable the module and restart Apache:

a2enmod actions fastcgi alias
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

*** Install mailman, squirelmail an Install PureFTPd And Quota in howtoforge

-----> Install BIND DNS Server

BIND can be installed as follows:

apt-get install bind9 dnsutils

-----> Install Vlogger, Webalizer, And AWstats

Vlogger, webalizer, and AWstats can be installed as follows:

apt-get install vlogger webalizer awstats geoip-database libclass-dbi-mysql-perl

Open /etc/cron.d/awstats afterwards...

vi /etc/cron.d/awstats

... and comment out everything in that file:

#*/10 * * * * www-data [ -x /usr/share/awstats/tools/update.sh ] && /usr/share/awstats/tools/update.sh
# Generate static reports:
#10 03 * * * www-data [ -x /usr/share/awstats/tools/buildstatic.sh ] && /usr/share/awstats/tools/buildstatic.sh

-----> Install Jailkit

Jailkit is needed only if you want to chroot SSH users. It can be installed as follows (important: Jailkit must be installed before ISPConfig - it cannot be installed afterwards!):

apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison debhelper binutils-gold

cd /tmp
wget http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/jailkit-2.14.tar.gz
tar xvfz jailkit-2.14.tar.gz
cd jailkit-2.14
./debian/rules binary

You can now install the Jailkit .deb package as follows:

cd ..
dpkg -i jailkit_2.14-1_*.deb
rm -rf jailkit-2.14*

-----> Install fail2ban

This is optional but recommended, because the ISPConfig monitor tries to show the log:

apt-get install fail2ban

To make fail2ban monitor PureFTPd and Dovecot, create the file /etc/fail2ban/jail.local:

vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

enabled  = true
port     = ftp
filter   = pureftpd
logpath  = /var/log/syslog
maxretry = 3

enabled = true
filter = dovecot-pop3imap
action = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot-pop3imap, port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/mail.log
maxretry = 5

Then create the following two filter files:

vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/pureftpd.conf

failregex = .*pure-ftpd: \(.*@<HOST>\) \[WARNING\] Authentication failed for user.*
ignoreregex =

vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/dovecot-pop3imap.conf

failregex = (?: pop3-login|imap-login): .*(?:Authentication failure|Aborted login \(auth failed|Aborted login \(tried to use disabled|Disconnected \(auth failed|Aborted login \(\d+ authentication attempts).*rip=(?P<host>\S*),.*
ignoreregex =

Restart fail2ban afterwards:

/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart

-----> Install ISPConfig 3

To install ISPConfig 3 from the latest released version, do this:

cd /tmp
wget http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz
tar xfz ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz
cd ispconfig3_install/install/

The next step is to run

php -q install.php

This will start the ISPConfig 3 installer. The installer will configure all services like Postfix, Dovecot, etc. for you. A manual setup as required for ISPConfig 2 (perfect setup guides) is not necessary.

root@server1:/tmp/ispconfig3_install/install# php -q install.php

 _____ ___________   _____              __ _         ____
|_   _/  ___| ___ \ /  __ \            / _(_)       /__  \
  | | \ `--.| |_/ / | /  \/ ___  _ __ | |_ _  __ _    _/ /
  | |  `--. \  __/  | |    / _ \| '_ \|  _| |/ _` |  |_ |
 _| |_/\__/ / |     | \__/\ (_) | | | | | | | (_| | ___\ \
 \___/\____/\_|      \____/\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | \____/
                                              __/ |

>> Initial configuration

Operating System: Debian or compatible, unknown version.

    Following will be a few questions for primary configuration so be careful.
    Default values are in [brackets] and can be accepted with <ENTER>.
    Tap in "quit" (without the quotes) to stop the installer.

Select language (en,de) [en]: <-- ENTER

Installation mode (standard,expert) [standard]: <-- ENTER

Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server, eg server1.domain.tld  [server1.example.com]: <-- ENTER

MySQL server hostname [localhost]: <-- ENTER

MySQL root username [root]: <-- ENTER

MySQL root password []: <-- yourrootsqlpassword

MySQL database to create [dbispconfig]: <-- ENTER

MySQL charset [utf8]: <-- ENTER

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'smtpd.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: <-- ENTER
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: <-- ENTER
Locality Name (eg, city) []: <-- ENTER
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: <-- ENTER
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <-- ENTER
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: <-- ENTER
Email Address []: <-- ENTER
Configuring Jailkit
Configuring Dovecot
Configuring Spamassassin
Configuring Amavisd
Configuring Getmail
Configuring Pureftpd
Configuring BIND
Configuring Apache
Configuring Vlogger
Configuring Apps vhost
Configuring Bastille Firewall
Configuring Fail2ban
Installing ISPConfig
ISPConfig Port [8080]: <-- ENTER

Do you want a secure (SSL) connection to the ISPConfig web interface (y,n) [y]: <-- ENTER

Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: <-- ENTER
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: <-- ENTER
Locality Name (eg, city) []: <-- ENTER
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: <-- ENTER
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <-- ENTER
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: <-- ENTER
Email Address []: <-- ENTER

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []: <-- ENTER
An optional company name []: <-- ENTER
writing RSA key
Configuring DBServer
Installing ISPConfig crontab
no crontab for root
no crontab for getmail
Restarting services ...
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mysql restart

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) and then start(8) utilities,
e.g. stop mysql ; start mysql. The restart(8) utility is also available.
mysql stop/waiting
mysql start/running, process 2543
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
 * Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused parameter: smtpd_bind_address=
Stopping amavisd: (not running).
The amavisd daemon is already running, PID: [1126]
Starting amavisd: (failed).
 * Stopping ClamAV daemon clamd
 * Starting ClamAV daemon clamd
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service dovecot restart

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) and then start(8) utilities,
e.g. stop dovecot ; start dovecot. The restart(8) utility is also available.
dovecot stop/waiting
dovecot start/running, process 3668
 * Restarting Mailman master qrunner mailmanctl
 * Waiting...
 * Restarting web server apache2
 ... waiting .   ...done.
Restarting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql-virtualchroot -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam -E -H -Y 1 -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -b -D -A -u 1000 -B
Installation completed.

The installer automatically configures all underlying services, so no manual configuration is needed.

You now also have the possibility to let the installer create an SSL vhost for the ISPConfig control panel, so that ISPConfig can be accessed using https:// instead of http://. To achieve this, just press ENTER when you see this question: Do you want a secure (SSL) connection to the ISPConfig web interface (y,n) [y]:.

Afterwards you can access ISPConfig 3 under http(s)://server1.example.com:8080/ or http(s):// ( http or https depends on what you chose during installation). Log in with the username admin and the password admin (you should change the default password after your first login):

ISPConfig 3 Manual

In order to learn how to use ISPConfig 3, I strongly recommend to download the ISPConfig 3 Manual.

On more than 300 pages, it covers the concept behind ISPConfig (admin, resellers, clients), explains how to install and update ISPConfig 3, includes a reference for all forms and form fields in ISPConfig together with examples of valid inputs, and provides tutorials for the most common tasks in ISPConfig 3. It also lines out how to make your server more secure and comes with a troubleshooting section at the end.

-----> ISPConfig Monitor App For Android

With the ISPConfig Monitor App, you can check your server status and find out if all services are running as expected. You can check TCP and UDP ports and ping your servers. In addition to that you can use this app to request details from servers that have ISPConfig installed (please note that the minimum installed ISPConfig 3 version with support for the ISPConfig Monitor App is!); these details include everything you know from the Monitor module in the ISPConfig Control Panel (e.g. services, mail and system logs, mail queue, CPU and memory info, disk usage, quota, OS details, RKHunter log, etc.), and of course, as ISPConfig is multiserver-capable, you can check all servers that are controlled from your ISPConfig master server.

For download and usage instructions, please visit http://www.ispconfig.org/ispconfig-3/ispconfig-monitor-app-for-android/.

-----> Additional Notes
-----> -> OpenVZ

If the Ubuntu server that you've just set up in this tutorial is an OpenVZ container (virtual machine), you should do this on the host system (I'm assuming that the ID of the OpenVZ container is 101 - replace it with the correct VPSID on your system):

  vzctl set $VPSID --capability ${CAP}:on --save

-----> Links

    Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/
    ISPConfig: http://www.ispconfig.org/
    url : http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-12.04-lts-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-p7

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

1. Masukkan ekstensi file di Layer 7 agar tertangkap oleh router ketika melewatinya

/ip firewall layer7-protocol
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .exe \"" regexp="\\.(exe)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .rar \"" regexp="\\.(rar)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .zip \"" regexp="\\.(zip)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .7z \"" regexp="\\.(7z)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .cab \"" regexp="\\.(cab)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .asf \"" regexp="\\.(asf)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mov \"" regexp="\\.(mov)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .wmv \"" regexp="\\.(wmv)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mpg \"" regexp="\\.(mpg)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mpeg \"" regexp="\\.(mpeg)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mkv \"" regexp="\\.(mkv)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .avi \"" regexp="\\.(avi)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .flv \"" regexp="\\.(flv)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .pdf \"" regexp="\\.(pdf)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .wav \"" regexp="\\.(wav)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .rm \"" regexp="\\.(rm)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mp3 \"" regexp="\\.(mp3)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mp4 \"" regexp="\\.(mp4)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .ram \"" regexp="\\.(ram)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .rmvb \"" regexp="\\.(rmvb)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .dat \"" regexp="\\.(dat)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .daa \"" regexp="\\.(daa)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .iso \"" regexp="\\.(iso)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .nrg \"" regexp="\\.(nrg)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .bin \"" regexp="\\.(bin)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .vcd \"" regexp="\\.(vcd)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mp2 \"" regexp="\\.(mp2)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .3gp \"" regexp="\\.(3gp)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .mpe \"" regexp="\\.(mpe)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .qt \"" regexp="\\.(qt)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .raw \"" regexp="\\.(raw)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .wma \"" regexp="\\.(wma)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .ogg \"" regexp="\\.(ogg)"
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name="Extension \" .doc \"" regexp="\\.(doc)"

2. Set IP jaringan di Address List pada Firewall = ip public = ip mikrotik / ip webproxy (jika menggunakan webproxy external berarti harus ditambahkan ipnya di list ” bypass ” = range ip jaringan lokal
Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan IP Public, IP Mikrotik atau IP Webproxy ke dalam list ” bypass ”
/ip firewall address-list
/ip firewall address-list add address= comment="" disabled=no list=bypass
/ip firewall address-list add address= comment="" disabled=no list=bypass
/ip firewall address-list add address= comment="" disabled=no list=skip_content_download
/ip firewall address-list add address= comment="" disabled=no list=skip_content_download

3. Pasang Filter di Firewall untuk menjaring ekstensi yang sedang didownload yang melalui Router Mikrotik

/ip firewall filter

/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp3 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .avi \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .flv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .iso \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .pdf \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpeg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .exe \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rar \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .zip \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp4 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp2 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .3gp \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mov \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpe \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .qt \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .ram \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rm \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .raw \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wav \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wmv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wma \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .ogg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .doc \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .7z \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .asf \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .bin \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .cab \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .daa \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .dat \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mkv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .nrg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rmvb \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=content_download address-list-timeout=5s chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
    !skip_content_download layer7-protocol="Extension \" .vcd \"" protocol=tcp

4. Set Mangle di Mikrotik

/ip firewall mangle

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=Content_download disabled=no dst-address-list=content_download new-connection-mark=\
    Bw_Download passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="" connection-bytes=262146-4294967295 disabled=no dst-address-list=!bypass new-connection-mark=\
    Bw_Download passthrough=yes protocol=!icmp
/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="" connection-mark=Bw_Download disabled=no dst-address-list=!bypass new-packet-mark=Paket_Download \
/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=Content_browsing disabled=no dst-address-list=!bypass new-connection-mark=Bw_Browsing passthrough=yes \
/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="" connection-mark=Bw_Browsing disabled=no dst-address-list=!bypass new-packet-mark=Paket_Browsing \

5. Set PCQ dan Queue

/queue type
/queue type add kind=pcq name=pcq-down pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-limit=50 pcq-rate=256000 pcq-total-limit=2000
/queue type add kind=pcq name=Pcq_Browsing_Down pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-li
/queue tree
/queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=0 name=DOWN parent=LOCAL priority=8
/queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=0 name=Browsing_Down packet-mark=Paket_Browsing parent=DOWN priority=5 \
/queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no max-limit=256k name=Regular_Down packet-mark=Paket_Download parent=DOWN \
    priority=8 queue=pcq-down

Kalau aku sendiri cukup menggunakan Simple Queue dengan masing2 Connection Mark adalah ” Paket_Browsing ” dan ” Paket_Download ” dan terbukti ampuh juga.

Sampai disini langkah untuk membatasi Download sudah selesai …… silahkan cek paket2 yang melalui mangle apakah sudah berjalan.

Sebagai tambahan, seandainya cukup terganggu dengan pengguna IDM … bisa memasukkan perintah berikut pada Firewall

/ip firewall filter
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=local layer7-protocol="Extension \" .exe \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=local layer7-protocol="Extension \" .3gp \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=local layer7-protocol="Extension \" .7z \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .asf \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .avi \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .bin \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .cab \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .daa \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .dat \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .doc \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .flv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .iso \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mkv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mov \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp2 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp3 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mp4 \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpe \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpeg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .mpg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .nrg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .ogg \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .pdf \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .qt \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .ram \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rar \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .raw \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rm \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .rmvb \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .vcd \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wav \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wma \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .wmv \"" protocol=tcp
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="" connection-limit=4,32 disabled=no in-interface=LOCAL layer7-protocol="Extension \" .zip \"" protocol=tcp

Mungkin cukup segitu dulu tutorialnya, maaf kalo agak BASBANG …. semoga bermanfaat.