Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Cacti Plugin in ubuntu server 14.04

A big strength of Cacti is its possibility to use other tools into plugins in its web interface. The plugins will be useful if you want to group some network related softwares into one interface.
On the website, you can find and download all the available plugins. We chose here the tutorials about three very useful plugins: NTOP, syslog-ng and PHP Weathermap.

The first thing to do is to install a mandatory plugin, which is required before installing the other one, it is called the "architecture" plugin.

- For Cacti 0.8.6i & j, it can be downloaded (1.1) on the website.
- For Cacti 0.8.6h, it can be downloaded (1.0) on our website.

If you install cacti with apt (packaged install), you can know your cacti version with the "apt-cache policy cacti" command.

Uncompress the file you just downloaded.

#tar -xvf /home/user/Desktop/cacti-plugin-arch.tar.gz
Move the files inside the architecture plugin directory you just downloaded into the directory containing the cacti website.

#cp /home/user/Desktop/cacti-plugin-arch/* /usr/share/cacti/site/ -R
#cd /usr/share/cacti/site/
Then run the command below:
Just be CAREFUL to run the patch matching your cacti version.

For cacti-0.8.6h:

#patch -p1 -N < cacti-plugin-0.8.6h.diff
For cacti-0.8.6i:

#patch -p1 -N < cacti-plugin-0.8.6i.diff
For cacti-0.8.6j:

#patch -p1 -N < cacti-plugin-0.8.6j.diff


1. NTOP (v 0.1) 2. PHP WEATHERMAP (v 0.82) 3. SYSLOG-NG (v 0.4)


NTop is a tool that will provide statistics about network usage.

#apt-get install ntop
download the plugin and uncompress it in the ntop directory.

#tar -xvf /home/user/Desktop/ntop-0.1.tar.gz
Copy the ntop directory in the /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/ directory

#cp /home/user/Desktop/ntop /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/ -R
We have to edit the /usr/share/cacti/site/include/config.php file and add just after the line beginning with "$plugins = array();":

$plugins[] = ‘ntop’;
Run ntop

ntop -u user -w 3000
Under the cacti web interface, don't forget to enable the NTOP plugin:

Login in to your cacti interface -> click on the console tab -> click on "User Management" in the "Utilities" section -> click on an user -> enable the "View NTop" checkbox.


For more information about PHP Weathermap, read the the PHP Weathermap tutorial.

Download the plugin and uncompress it in the weathermap directory. Enter the following command from where you downloaded Weathermap:

#tar -xvf /home/user/Desktop/
Copy the weathermap directory in the /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/ directory

#cp /home/user/Desktop/weathermap/ /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins -R
We have to edit the /usr/share/cacti/site/include/config.php file and add just after the line beginning with "$plugins = array();":

$plugins[] = ‘weathermap’;
Under the cacti web interface, don't forget to enable the weathermap plugin:

Login in to your cacti interface -> click on the console tab -> click on "User Management" in the "Utilities" section -> click on an user -> enable the "View Weathermaps" checkbox.

See the weathermap tutorial for help to configure the tool.


An impressive plugin that permit to read the syslog-ng messages.

You can trigger alerts or remove logs from the interface.

For more information about syslog-ng, read the the php-syslog-ng tutorial.

download the plugin and uncompress it in the haloe directory. Enter the following command from where you downloaded haloe:

#tar -xvf /home/user/Desktop/haloe-0.4.tar.gz
Copy the haloe directory in the /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/ directory

#cp /home/user/Desktop/haloe /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/ -R
We have to edit the /usr/share/cacti/site/include/config.php file and add just after the line beginning with "$plugins = array();":

$plugins[] = ‘haloe’;
If you don't already have it, you have to install syslog-ng et forward the logs collect by it towards the MySQL database.

Install syslog-ng:

#apt-get install syslog-ng
Syslog-ng will uninstall the default syslog server.
We have to configure the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file

Syslog changes

To receive logs from a remote machine trough the network, uncomment (ie remove the #) the line containing udp();

# use the following line if you want to receive remote UDP logging messages
# (this is equivalent to the "-r" syslogd flag)
Forward the logs to the MySQL database.

Add the lines below always in the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file:

log {

# pipe messages to /var/log/mysql.pipe to be processed by mysql
destination d_mysql {
template("INSERT INTO syslog_incoming
(facility, priority, date, time, host, message, seq, status)
VALUES ( '$FACILITY', '$PRIORITY', '$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY', '$HOUR:$MIN:$SEC', '$HOST', '$MSG', '$SEQ', '$STATUS' );\n") template-escape(yes));

Database settings.

We need to create the MySQL database and then import the tables with the sql file.

#mysqladmin -u root -p create haloe
#mysql -u root -p haloe < /home/user/Desktop/haloe/syslog.sql
We give all the rights to a new MySQL user called haloeuser on the haloe database:

#mysql -u root -p haloe
>GRANT ALL ON haloe.* TO haloeuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'haloepassword';
>flush privileges;
Configure the MySQL connection settings in the /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/haloe/config.php file:

$haloedb_type = "mysql";
$haloedb_default = "haloe";
$haloedb_hostname = "localhost";
$haloedb_username = "haloeuser";
$haloedb_password = "haloepassword";
In the same file, to see colored lines in your syslog plugin, you need to change the lines beginning with "$haloe_colors" by the lines below:

$haloe_colors["emerg"] = "FF0000";
$haloe_colors["crit"] = "FF0000";
$haloe_colors["alert"] = "FF0000";
$haloe_colors["err"] = "FFAB00";
$haloe_colors["warning"] = "FFFF00";
$haloe_colors["notice"] = "FFAB00";
// $haloe_colors["info"] = "FFAB00";
// $haloe_colors["debug"] = "D0D0D0";
The MySQL pipe file.

Now, we have to create the temporary MySQL insertion file (pipe file):

#mkfifo /var/log/mysql.pipe
We have to push the logs inside the database with a bash script:

Create a new file and insert the line below, save the file as in the /usr/share/cacti/site/plugings/haloe directory.
Don't forget to change the MySQL username and password.


if [ ! -e /var/log/mysql.pipe ]
mkfifo /var/log/mysql.pipe
while [ -e /var/log/mysql.pipe ]
do mysql -u haloeuser --password=haloepassword haloe < /var/log/mysql.pipe >/dev/null
The script means that if the mysql.pipe file does not exist, create it.
Then, while the mysql.pipe exists, open a MySQL connection, and send the "buffered" data the database.

Run the syslog2mysql script to see if everything is okay. Errors will be displayed in case of problems.

Stop the script with "Ctrl+C".

Final step:

To run the script without the root user, we need to change a file ownership:

#chown user /etc/cacti/debian.php
It's important that the www-data user, in other words the apache web server user, has the read permission on this file. Normally, it's already the case:

#ls -l | grep debian.php
-rw-r----- 1 user www-data 557 2006-11-18 14:00 debian.php
Run the script under the user of your choice:

#su user
Finally, we need to configure two cron jobs.

crontab -e -u user
# when the computer boots, it starts automatically the script.
@reboot /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/haloe/
# A command required to transfer the data stored
# into the syslog_incoming table to the syslog table. (every 1 minute)
# For an unknown reason this is not done automatically by the syslog plugin.
*/1 * * * * php5 -q /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/haloe/syslog_process.php
The crontab command will update the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/user file.

Under the cacti web interface, don't forget to enable the syslog-ng plugin:

Login in to your cacti interface -> click on the console tab -> click on "User Management" in the "Utilities" section -> click on an user -> enable the "View Syslog" checkbox.

Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Install flex on ubuntu

Before starting, please check to see if there is a latest version available to download. Visit to find out about the available versions. IMPORTANT: See "Configuring Ubuntu Linux After Installation" to install the development tools required to compile and install flex from source code.

Steps to download, compile, and install are as follows. Note: Replace 2.5.33 with your version number:
  • Downloading Flex (The fast lexical analyzer):

    Run the command below,
  • Extracting files from the downloaded package:

    tar -xvzf flex-2.5.33.tar.gz
    Now, enter the directory where the package is extracted.
    cd flex-2.5.33
  • Configuring flex before installation:

    If you haven't installed m4 yet then please do so. Run the commands below to include m4 in your PATH variable.
    NOTE: Replace '/usr/local/m4/bin' with the location of m4 binary. Now, configure the source code before installation.
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/flex
    Replace "/usr/local/flex" above with the directory path where you want to copy the files and folders. Note: check for any error message.
  • Compiling flex:

    Note: check for any error message.
  • Installing flex:

  • As root (for privileges on destination directory), run the following.
    With sudo,
    sudo make install
    Without sudo,
    make install
    Note: check for any error messages.
That’s it. Flex has been successfully installed.