Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Install flex on ubuntu

Before starting, please check to see if there is a latest version available to download. Visit http://flex.sourceforge.net/ to find out about the available versions. IMPORTANT: See "Configuring Ubuntu Linux After Installation" to install the development tools required to compile and install flex from source code.

Steps to download, compile, and install are as follows. Note: Replace 2.5.33 with your version number:
  • Downloading Flex (The fast lexical analyzer):

    Run the command below,
    wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/flex/flex-2.5.33.tar.gz?download
  • Extracting files from the downloaded package:

    tar -xvzf flex-2.5.33.tar.gz
    Now, enter the directory where the package is extracted.
    cd flex-2.5.33
  • Configuring flex before installation:

    If you haven't installed m4 yet then please do so. Run the commands below to include m4 in your PATH variable.
    NOTE: Replace '/usr/local/m4/bin' with the location of m4 binary. Now, configure the source code before installation.
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/flex
    Replace "/usr/local/flex" above with the directory path where you want to copy the files and folders. Note: check for any error message.
  • Compiling flex:

    Note: check for any error message.
  • Installing flex:

  • As root (for privileges on destination directory), run the following.
    With sudo,
    sudo make install
    Without sudo,
    make install
    Note: check for any error messages.
That’s it. Flex has been successfully installed.

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